Thursday, October 3, 2019

Condenser-Boss Boil Kettle Steam Condenser Demonstration

Winter is coming, keep your windows from steaming up with the Condenser Boss! Commercial breweries don't use exhaust hoods, instead they have elaborate & expensive steam condensing systems. Ours is an economical home brewer option!

Do you brew indoors and struggle with how to get rid of all the steam created during the brewing process, especially during the boil part of the brew process? Historically, home brewers installed electric fan exhaust hoods above their brew kettles and evacuated the steam to the outdoors. The problem with exhaust hoods is that all your conditioned air (heated or air conditioned) inside your home or brewery, is evacuated the outside while you are brewing. This means that your furnace/air conditioner has to work overtime to heat/cool the indoor air you air to keep up with what you are exhausting the outside! Over a 2 hour brew session, that represents a real cost as well as unnecessary wear and tear on your heating/cooling system.

Introducing the Condenser-Boss. This really cool device mounts directly to the Deluxe Accessory port on your Brew-Boss kettle (or most other boil kettles). We've tried/tested/researched several designs, using our concepts, as well as information found on public homebrewing forums, to finally settle on this design. This is the best design we have found!

Get yours today!!